Nia is from a old mesoamerica island? That’s so cool. Does this mean we’ll see this island one day? Her being from the same place seemed to stun Quinna. Its WORKING???!! KEEP GOING NIA.
Yup, basically! From an island inspired by the Aztecs and others :D. We definitely will see it! Sometime during the next “Nusa” arc!
Definitely caught Quinna off guard! I can say she had a mini flashback in her head that we’ll never see there when she zoned out. Though she is very cynical and guarded and knows Nia wants to build rapport, hopefully this still does lead to something productive 🙂
She’s definitely doing well by those standards XD. The Live Yasha JRPG inspired game sounds lit. It’s definitely on the production list, Final Paradise might come out first though haha.
I like the Portal environment and floating running man statue. Shit looks sick bro. Keep me in the loop.
Since I’m too lazy to grab my phone and discord. Have you been following Togashi’s tweets btw? You see all those clowns saying Togashi should quit just because he complained about his back.
Thanks so much Alex!! Definitely will, I actually do have other stuff and models already for a potential future game for Final Paradise and Live Yasha :D.
Ofc! I only still have a twitter to follow Togashi and a few art/gaming accounts at this point haha.
Yeah, unfortunately that’s been going on a while. He’s had serious back issues for a while now but people so alarmist about every little thing he tweets. And rude about his back problems. He’ll tweet he has some mild back pain and there’s 30 news tweets about how “Hunter x Hunter FALLEN OFF”, “TOGASHI SHOULD GIVE UP AND LET HIS WIFE DRAW IT.” Like um, “his wife”, that’s Naoko Takeuchi created one of the biggest anime/manga ever. And Togashi already said he wants to finish his manga himself lmao. He already has assistants for backgrounds anyway.
But whatever, I’m just glad he’s in relatively better shape health, he just tweeted that his back is good again, and he’s been pumping out pages like a machine. I’m pretty excited for the return!
Alex Le
Most of those tweets aren’t coming from a place of caring about his back but rather rabidly wanting the story to continue no matter what.
Yeah exactly, the former is totally fine but it’s usually the latter I see. Togashi’s doing this cause he’s loves it, if his back gets really bad H x H stops and that’s totally okay with me he’s gotta prioritize his heatlh. But he’s not going to let someone else draw his story in either case haha.
And to me it seems his back has been doing better relatively better luckily, he’s definitely found ways to mitigate his pain, but then he’ll make one tweet referencing his back after pumping out more pages than he ever has and then tweets will go like “Man Togashi doesn’t care about H x H man he’s about to take another 3 year hiatus give let his wife take over this is disgraceful” .
Thank you!! The map was so fun to make haha. Most maps I make from now on will be in that style.
So glad to hear. I really liked writing this convo. I try to think that most people probably will probably realistically forget a lot of details if I get too into the weeds with flashbacks nuances, so I try to keep it succinct when it comes to certain things. Especially since it’ll be expanded on when it’s more relevant when we get to that island! That being said we’ll touch on important details Quinna/Nia details soon, like what drew Nia to Yasha, how she feels about certain things, and how she got to this island 😀
I’m so glad you think so haha! I’ve tried to avoid overdoing chibi stuff since I don’t want to do too many drastic style changes all the time and cheapen things, but I fear I’m starting to like drawing them again so expect more XD. There is another one next page lmao
Yeah!! I love that kind of stuff. Kind of like the end of Kill Bill Vol 2 haha. Fun fact this is the second iteration of this story, I’m so happy that I will get to expand more on these characters this time around. Much more character building stuff coming in the coming episodes.
Though to your original point, I will also say there’s about to be some big action coming up still hehe. So idk if I can quite say it will end on a convo XD. I really can’t wait, loving how this is coming together for yall
Yeah. Huge swaths of anime fanbase is completely unhinged but what’s new. I just hope if Togashi ever finishes his manga he doesn’t get the kind of shit recent anime and manga haven’t gotten from shonen fanbases. I know you don’t keep up with them but you seen any of the stuff recently with MHA and JJK manga ending? Lol, clusterf*ck.
I really barely check twitter now (mental health + 1 thousand), so luckily I’ve avoided most of it but I know what you’re talking about lol. I heard people not liking the endings or where it’s headed and going overboard. I think even though I’m not a big fan of JJK it was weird seeing how many people keep following it for years and dunk on it so much. Why you still following it just to drag it, just drop it bro lmao. I will also defend Gege on the fact that they are a huge Togashi fan XD
Yeah, tbh it was mostly AI bros, Musk, and how bad the algorithm gotten for artists that’s made me step away more. Totally expected it to turn even more toxic after Musk so it’s not really a surprise. But even then the Togashi and JJK type stuff is not new at all, guess it’s just amplified cause there’s so more fans now. Though on a positive note, I really appreciate how mindblowly mainstream anime gotten compared to like say myspace days, this just might be a symptom of that.
Lmao, yeah Twitter is still pretty funny can’t lie. I will also hear about Final Fantasy and H x H news there first before anywhere else.
SO ADORABLE. I need to do it to Sin, Yasha, and Lalo at least once too lmao. True! She’s got Quinna trapped, time to hit her with the almighty power of rhetoric.
Thank you!!! Yeah, Rabidus is from my other comic “Final Paradise”. Rabidus is usually fine with “He/She/They” for a good chunk of the story but he usually gets called “He”, so whatever floats your boat :D. It’s fun working with his 3D model.
Fun fact, sometimes he’s got some fabulous Jojo esqu atire, other times he’s like a punk guy aesthetic :P. Once I’ve animated a few more of him expect some of other Yasha characters animations from me and DeRock! I’ll keep ya posted 😀
Interesting to see his design after what he was wearing the original. I don’t believe he swapped clothing much in your first run, but I could be wrong. I like when characters do that or change hairstyles frequently, it’s why Marcille is my neurotic little GOAT.
Lol! I still have images of what Rabidus wore in the “Idiko’s Paradise”, that’s his grey clothes, he wears that a lot, those are somewhere in between his formal Princely duty clothes and the more casual flamboyant stuff and colors he might choose. But he switches clothes a lot, he’ll probably wear some variation similar to what he has on in this little animation sometime during Grand Phantasia arc, since that’s an amusement park area.
Nah I agree, Marcille is so cool for that especially in a dungeon hahaha. I loved when Killua was changing a bunch in Hunter x Hunter.
I liked this panel but boy was my art inconsistent back then lmao.
I’m glad you think so! Next page will be done in a day or two in time for the weekend :). It’s 100+ panels haha.
Would have been done sooner but I got addicted and binged Apothecary Diaries anime, very good stuff! Should have checked it out when fully when my gf first recommended haha.
It’s nice that you’re expanding more on these characters this time around. I’m really curious about Quinna, she’s so mysterious. My favorite grump in the story. Also how Nia’s going to play a role in the story now.
I’m really excited too! We’ll learn a little bit more about Quinna and Nia next two pages which should conclude their convo. This coincidence in their shared home island might not be enough for Quinna to care enough to open up, so we’ll see what Nia says next :D.
Yeah, I’m really glad I brought Nia into the story tbh. Beyond just being Yasha’s first crush she has a lot bigger role in the story, that wasn’t always the case but now I’d say she’s just as important to Yasha as Lalo and Mina.
44 thoughts on “Episode 5-4”
Thanks for reading!
Her chibi face is so cute.
I’m so glad to hear. I agree haha. I don’t want to use those too much but I love when I do get to XD
Alyssa Chiang
Nia is from a old mesoamerica island? That’s so cool. Does this mean we’ll see this island one day? Her being from the same place seemed to stun Quinna. Its WORKING???!! KEEP GOING NIA.
Yup, basically! From an island inspired by the Aztecs and others :D. We definitely will see it! Sometime during the next “Nusa” arc!
Definitely caught Quinna off guard! I can say she had a mini flashback in her head that we’ll never see there when she zoned out. Though she is very cynical and guarded and knows Nia wants to build rapport, hopefully this still does lead to something productive 🙂
Alyssa Chiang
She had flashbacks I’m intrigued ⁀⊙෴☉⁀ .. That could be good or bad.
Sin’s mad mad 💀. Yes! Common ground.
He’s gonna blow a gasket 💀💀
That’s some appealing character designs and an incredible looking little map. Looks so professional.
quina is a big tsundere. look how fast nia has her sympathizing. don’t tell her i said that 😮💨
Jersey Addict
Just keep her distracted and have Yasha quietly untie herself.
That’s a great strategy! Hopefully Yasha gets out one way or another.
Alex Le
Doing good Nia, she hasn’t killed you.
New area unlocked? When can I buy the Live Yasha JRPG?
She’s definitely doing well by those standards XD. The Live Yasha JRPG inspired game sounds lit. It’s definitely on the production list, Final Paradise might come out first though haha.

Alex Le
I like the Portal environment and floating running man statue. Shit looks sick bro. Keep me in the loop.
Since I’m too lazy to grab my phone and discord. Have you been following Togashi’s tweets btw? You see all those clowns saying Togashi should quit just because he complained about his back.
Thanks so much Alex!! Definitely will, I actually do have other stuff and models already for a potential future game for Final Paradise and Live Yasha :D.
Ofc! I only still have a twitter to follow Togashi and a few art/gaming accounts at this point haha.
Yeah, unfortunately that’s been going on a while. He’s had serious back issues for a while now but people so alarmist about every little thing he tweets. And rude about his back problems. He’ll tweet he has some mild back pain and there’s 30 news tweets about how “Hunter x Hunter FALLEN OFF”, “TOGASHI SHOULD GIVE UP AND LET HIS WIFE DRAW IT.” Like um, “his wife”, that’s Naoko Takeuchi created one of the biggest anime/manga ever. And Togashi already said he wants to finish his manga himself lmao. He already has assistants for backgrounds anyway.
But whatever, I’m just glad he’s in relatively better shape health, he just tweeted that his back is good again, and he’s been pumping out pages like a machine. I’m pretty excited for the return!
Alex Le
Most of those tweets aren’t coming from a place of caring about his back but rather rabidly wanting the story to continue no matter what.
Yeah exactly, the former is totally fine but it’s usually the latter I see. Togashi’s doing this cause he’s loves it, if his back gets really bad H x H stops and that’s totally okay with me he’s gotta prioritize his heatlh. But he’s not going to let someone else draw his story in either case haha.
And to me it seems his back has been doing better relatively better luckily, he’s definitely found ways to mitigate his pain, but then he’ll make one tweet referencing his back after pumping out more pages than he ever has and then tweets will go like “Man Togashi doesn’t care about H x H man he’s about to take another 3 year hiatus give let his wife take over this is disgraceful” .
That game looks really neat!
Thanks so much Henson! And that’s actually not the final level design and aesthetic of it maybe I’ll share later!
❄️ lce Bear ❄️
I think Quinna’s gonna be an anti hero ally, Jojo style.
That’d be dope! It’s going to be hard to get everyone on board with that at this point though haha, especially Yasha. But we shall see!
Can’t wait to show y’all the next too pages, they just about wrap up things finally. Almost done with it 🙂
You’re summarizing her backstory in such an elegant way. I love that map.
Thank you!! The map was so fun to make haha. Most maps I make from now on will be in that style.
So glad to hear. I really liked writing this convo. I try to think that most people probably will probably realistically forget a lot of details if I get too into the weeds with flashbacks nuances, so I try to keep it succinct when it comes to certain things. Especially since it’ll be expanded on when it’s more relevant when we get to that island! That being said we’ll touch on important details Quinna/Nia details soon, like what drew Nia to Yasha, how she feels about certain things, and how she got to this island 😀
Evelyn Kwak
new favorite nia panel. chibi is so cute
I’m so glad you think so haha! I’ve tried to avoid overdoing chibi stuff since I don’t want to do too many drastic style changes all the time and cheapen things, but I fear I’m starting to like drawing them again so expect more XD. There is another one next page lmao

Evelyn Kwak
I like how this fight is ending in a peace talks conversation. That’s a cool subversion!!!
Yeah!! I love that kind of stuff. Kind of like the end of Kill Bill Vol 2 haha. Fun fact this is the second iteration of this story, I’m so happy that I will get to expand more on these characters this time around. Much more character building stuff coming in the coming episodes.
Though to your original point, I will also say there’s about to be some big action coming up still hehe. So idk if I can quite say it will end on a convo XD. I really can’t wait, loving how this is coming together for yall
Alex Le
Yeah. Huge swaths of anime fanbase is completely unhinged but what’s new. I just hope if Togashi ever finishes his manga he doesn’t get the kind of shit recent anime and manga haven’t gotten from shonen fanbases. I know you don’t keep up with them but you seen any of the stuff recently with MHA and JJK manga ending? Lol, clusterf*ck.
I really barely check twitter now (mental health + 1 thousand), so luckily I’ve avoided most of it but I know what you’re talking about lol. I heard people not liking the endings or where it’s headed and going overboard. I think even though I’m not a big fan of JJK it was weird seeing how many people keep following it for years and dunk on it so much. Why you still following it just to drag it, just drop it bro lmao. I will also defend Gege on the fact that they are a huge Togashi fan XD
Alex Le
A wise decision. It is a complete cesspool. I find it funny though so I’ll stay till the ship sinks.
Yeah, tbh it was mostly AI bros, Musk, and how bad the algorithm gotten for artists that’s made me step away more. Totally expected it to turn even more toxic after Musk so it’s not really a surprise. But even then the Togashi and JJK type stuff is not new at all, guess it’s just amplified cause there’s so more fans now. Though on a positive note, I really appreciate how mindblowly mainstream anime gotten compared to like say myspace days, this just might be a symptom of that.
Lmao, yeah Twitter is still pretty funny can’t lie. I will also hear about Final Fantasy and H x H news there first before anywhere else.
CHIBI NIA 😍. Just keep up the talk-no-jutsu it’s worrkiing.
Omg you put your OC into a video game? He (She?) looks spiffy running around in there.
SO ADORABLE. I need to do it to Sin, Yasha, and Lalo at least once too lmao. True! She’s got Quinna trapped, time to hit her with the almighty power of rhetoric.

Thank you!!! Yeah, Rabidus is from my other comic “Final Paradise”. Rabidus is usually fine with “He/She/They” for a good chunk of the story but he usually gets called “He”, so whatever floats your boat :D. It’s fun working with his 3D model.
Fun fact, sometimes he’s got some fabulous Jojo esqu atire, other times he’s like a punk guy aesthetic :P. Once I’ve animated a few more of him expect some of other Yasha characters animations from me and DeRock! I’ll keep ya posted 😀
Wow 😲. He does look fablous. Dig the hair flip. Remember me when you’re a famous animator lol.
Alex Le
Interesting to see his design after what he was wearing the original. I don’t believe he swapped clothing much in your first run, but I could be wrong. I like when characters do that or change hairstyles frequently, it’s why Marcille is my neurotic little GOAT.
Lol! I still have images of what Rabidus wore in the “Idiko’s Paradise”, that’s his grey clothes, he wears that a lot, those are somewhere in between his formal Princely duty clothes and the more casual flamboyant stuff and colors he might choose. But he switches clothes a lot, he’ll probably wear some variation similar to what he has on in this little animation sometime during Grand Phantasia arc, since that’s an amusement park area.

Nah I agree, Marcille is so cool for that especially in a dungeon hahaha. I loved when Killua was changing a bunch in Hunter x Hunter.
I liked this panel but boy was my art inconsistent back then lmao.
This is getting really good! On the edge of my seat for the next episode.
I’m glad you think so! Next page will be done in a day or two in time for the weekend :). It’s 100+ panels haha.
Would have been done sooner but I got addicted and binged Apothecary Diaries anime, very good stuff! Should have checked it out when fully when my gf first recommended haha.
Alex Le
It’s nice that you’re expanding more on these characters this time around. I’m really curious about Quinna, she’s so mysterious. My favorite grump in the story. Also how Nia’s going to play a role in the story now.
I’m really excited too! We’ll learn a little bit more about Quinna and Nia next two pages which should conclude their convo. This coincidence in their shared home island might not be enough for Quinna to care enough to open up, so we’ll see what Nia says next :D.
Yeah, I’m really glad I brought Nia into the story tbh. Beyond just being Yasha’s first crush she has a lot bigger role in the story, that wasn’t always the case but now I’d say she’s just as important to Yasha as Lalo and Mina.
Nia’s tenacious. Keep at it, you’re doing good!
Chibi Nia saves us all!