Seeing more of the Circus pirate dynamics, it’s both funny and kind of sad. Froggy really gives off deep in it cult member vibes. I want to say more about Quinna but knowing where she goes later in the story might be a spoiler.
Yasha is inevitable, Quinna. You should have done something when you noticed her gnawing SMH
That’s interesting that you bring that up! There’s a lot more going on with pretty much all the Circus members, even the one’s that appear more cartoony (literally and in behavior lol). The cult point is definitely poignant if true, can’t wait to show y’all more one day And Quinna’s story is quite complex, maybe one of the most in the story. Will take a while to reveal all ๐
Lmao, yeah. Things are about to get pretty real, Yasha is not a negotiator like Nia. And I can say this is their final confrontation. Yeah, Quinna is sharp, and for some reason chose not to intervene while Yasha was escaping her ropes.
Definitely! Btw a point that will come up in the story in the next page or so, Yasha and Quinna fighting each other is the same if they were fighting each other as people without powers.
Normally, Absorbers take in and put out energy that they store. Depending on how much energy they absorb that can be a lot of power. But an exception is when two people with Absorbers power clash, no matter how much each Absorber has stored in their “power tank”, any physical attacks they do to each other hurt as if they didn’t have any powers. So the damage Quinna and Yasha have done to each other thus far has been based on their base human strenght, unamplified by their powers (more to it but that’s a big thing that’ll come up!)
And that’s why even though Yasha has so little in her “power tank” that she has to gnaw out of the ropes to get out, her punches will still hurt Quinna just as much as before! All she loses is mobility and speed she gets from having a lot of power stored.
Haha, when it comes to certain things she’ll definitely freak out pretty easily. I really can’t wait to go more in depth with all the Circus pirates. I think their trajectory and what we learn about them will be suprising to some ๐
I can’t help but notice how much Yasha and Quinna look and act alike. I smell a revelation :O. How old is everyone on this page by the way? Quinna looks like she’s at least 10 years older than Yasha
Oo that’s a really interesting question! Tbh, I’d have to think about it. I’ll say that all my characters are a mix between bits of me, people I know, and fictional characters. But there’s very few characters I think where I’ve deliberately or subconsciously made them almost entirely like me I think. I always thought if I did decide to do a self insert, they would be a background character that dies lmao.
Idk might circle back to you, the last thing a character in this story’s done that really reminded me of me was Smokey forgetting what happened 50 seconds ago lmao. Oh but another thing, that’s just in terms of personality, I don’t think there’s a character that looks like me in this story either.
Thanks! I’m getting really close to the style I want. I’m hyperfocusing on animation and the video game rn. A quick Cloud from FF7 animation is coming too. Perhaps my Youtube era is on the horizon lmao.
And yeah one day for sure! I’ve been collabing with Derock and a couple other talented animators for random scenes for Yasha. But I might make one myself in the future too. Blender is so cool, I want to get as good as the person who made this Ranma blender animation. Freakin’ insane that this is all 3D haha.
RIGHT?!! It’s amazing. Seeing their process too, they didn’t do anything too crazy they just have fantastic traditional animation skills they transferred over to their blender models and worked each moment of the animation in the 3D space to be as retro anime looking as possible haha.
I’m so hyped to show y’all this Idiko animation, more of a quick test I’ve been eroding at until now, I’m going full throttle on it. I think I’ll make a few animations in Final Paradise world for now. Next is probably Bogdan or Tarantula. I just redesigned Tarantula a bit, although admittedly she’s like 97% the same. I get kind of nostalgically attached to how characters look even when they’re from a period where I think my design philosophies were wildly different (still good but kind of samey in certain ways). I think people will be surprised when we get to certain arcs in Final Paradise.
At some point I get heavily inspired by Disco Elysium and most of the newer characters reflect that haha, while my main characters still look the same as they did when I made them a long time ago.
That’s really interesting, great to be inspired by an amazing game. I’d say Bogdan sort of looks like a Disco Elysium character already and he’s one of your OG’s.
Yeah Bogdan already looks a sort of stocky/chubby beard man. Could be Harry’s bud lmao. But like 90% of my early Final Paradise designs are all cute and anime esque. I still make characters like that but there’s def more variety later. But it’ll be a lot of fun to see the evolution in real time in the story as this happens
For Live Yasha characters get more and more like Shantae: Half Genie and Zelda: Windwaker characters, with a mix of Scott Pilgrim. You can already see this in the Nusa art LMAO
And Final Paradise gets more gritty but a bit of a mix of Disco Elysium and Bleach in artstyle. Just so it’s not entirely jarring it’s still anime esque but there’s a lot more variety and grit inspired by things like Disco Elysium/Bleach/Castlevania ect.
Alex Le
I can see that Zelda Windwaker influence from the sun. And hey, that’s all cool. You do you. Just don’t change Tarantula being a tattoo’d goth Starfire from Teen Titans.
The way this “phone call” was a actually a little flashback before Froggy hit her head on the ships wall was genius! I don’t see too many stories take their time to spin up so much foreshadowing and deliberate pacing like this * Chefs Kiss *. Froggy and Quinna’s relationship is fun in a sort of trainwreck way. The power dynamics might be hinting towards a status quo shake up. Speaking of shakeups, it looks like Yasha is done talking. Round 2 begin!
Thank you so much Henson ๐. That means a lot. I have always loved taking time to make sure the story unfolds the way I want, which is why I’ve reworked a lot of my stories so much. Guess I’m lucky that I don’t have to rely on webcomics for money so I can kind of be my lazy self and take time to think things through. The way so many artists pump out genius stuff and are on a contract or schedule is inspiring, me personally I need time to percolate so that everything makes sense XD. I want to do that little flashback trick more in the future, I have some neat narrative ideas for it.
100%! Yasha is done messing around. Things will get pretty dramatic here in the next few pages, can’t wait to show y’all!
Your WIP there is both exciting and worrying. I won’t pry you much cause SpOiLeRs, but assuming Nia saying (Quinna?) see’s herself in Yasha is intriguing. They do seem eerily similar, it would be unexpected if the twist was that they weren’t related in some way to be honest. But perhaps she’s also referring to the fact that Yasha is being targetted by Circus for recruitment specifically.
Haha, nah don’t worry I love talking about this stuff! Pretty easy to avoid big spoilers anyway! And you do have a good point, it’s an interesting statement from Nia there. Yeah she’s totally talking to Quinna there. I think in retrospect this scene will reveal a lot about Quinna and Yasha’s psyche, once we learn more about them both. Yeah that’s very fair! Yasha and Quinna are very similar in looks, temperment, and the fact that they were/are the target of a crazy abusive pirate for coerced recruitment…
But also in many way’s there different, actually thinking about it I’d say Quinna is kind of similar to Mina in ways. If Mina was a bit more morally ambiguous lol. Yasha’s very nostalgic and weirdly attached to the island, more so than Sin, Lalo, Nia who are all trying to get out and explore the world. Mina and Quinna have always tried to run away from where they grew up and forge their identity by going on adventures. Mina because she had a VERY messed up guardian/job as a kid. And Quinna because Runiper was a terrible city in her eyes, in general. Though Quinna tragically was pinned down by Circus during her wordly escapades.
Cool beans. I don’t even know much of Mina’s backstory yet either but now I’m intrigued in both. To be fair to our ol’ gal Yasha, that Island is a tropical paradise. Who wouldn’t want to vibe there forever.
Lmao, yes very true. It slaps honestly, nice little tropical community. She was very isolated for a lot of her childhood so she does value what she managed to get going on the island right now, a lot. Though if Nia left she might just feel compelled to dip!
And also the strange part is more so she doesn’t even want to temporarily travel away from home for some reason! Hehe, I don’t think anyone will see coming why that is, though I’d hint to pay attention to the weird dreams Yasha has when she sleeps, as well as her flashbacks ;D
Haha! Nah it’s okay I’ve had a few people theorize she was Yasha’s mother before, that’s one thing I can say isn’t the case at least :P.
Yeah 28 is pretty young in today’s terms! Though for a pirate lifespan maybe not haha. I remember reading the average lifespan was like 30 or something and a lot were in their early 20s. Kind of like gangsters
Right? Hopefully this doesn’t go to hell, but it’s not looking good ๐ญ.
Next page will be fun. Everyone gets some interesting moments, Sin and Gori too despite currently being held captive by a giant shadow monster haha. They get pretty philsophical.
LMAO. It’s a fun moment I think, bit of a hint of his future character development. Maybe “philosophical” is extreme tho, he’s not spouting Kantian rhetoric, he just gets a bit introspective with Gori lol.
Yup! It’s great. Only complaint I hear constantly is the animation dip but I dunno, writing and fights are still really entertaining imo. Been watching that Apothecary Diaries and Dr.Stone. Good stuff.
Oh that depends! For every panel I’m always having to draw a bunch regardless, but a good 70% of the time I use also use the character’s blender models as reference to speed thing up. The panels where you can tell I have much more detail and messy lines is me practicing anatomy haha, I usually reference real poses.
Since those take a lot longer I don’t do it as much, but if I had all the time in the world I’d stick to one or the other for more cohesion. But I like the frankenstein method I got going, and I think I’ll make it even faster/better as time goes on ๐
Haha! I’m soo excited for the rest of the story after this point. Eh there’s already a bunch of spoilers in these comments but for the heck of it I’ll put the answer to this question in a spoiler tag below, since I included some big immediate spoilers.
So most of the rest of this sequence is very similar to what happened before, with the addition of Nia and Sin doing more to help than before. The other newest thing is Yasha speaking for a second to Circus on Quinna’s Tezcat mirror.
After this whole Quinna stuff dies down and they rope her up, we have a bit of a cooldown and stuff, similar to the first iteration of the story where Yasha’s b-day party continues and they prepare for Circus. But with more stuff added specifically for Yasha relationships with everyone, specifically Nia, Quinna, Lalo and the Chief. This section’s going to be a bit longer than before since some important stuff’s gonna get fleshed out during the downtime.
Then Circus comes (she gave them an extra day before she comes , for some reason. Once she picks up that Quinna betrayed her) and that fight also is very similar to the first iteration, although it will be shorter so we can get to Nusa sooner :).
Lol, you have a soft spot for the thieving side characters don’t you XD. I love those two too, we didn’t reach that far but they’ll also be pretty buddy buddy with Sin, like big brothers of sorts
Yo Thank you!! It’s a lot of fun to do action. Going to finish up this chapter with plenty of action/twists before chapter break. Doing my best to have these last 3 or 4 pages be long and come pretty fastpaced. Hoping to have all this action said and before end of March :).
Bro, yeah. I’m mixed on the new designs like a lot of others. Though sitting with it I get it, supposed to be in line more with Puss In Boots: Last Wish’s style change so it isn’t jarring. But iunno. Still looks off.
Funny thing, I barely even remember recording it by the morning, but I did a live reaction short screen record iphone clip of me reacting to a post of it on twitter. I was completely shitting on the new Shrek design for a good 30 seconds LMAO.
69 thoughts on “Episode 5-12”
Thanks for reading!
Alex Le
Seeing more of the Circus pirate dynamics, it’s both funny and kind of sad. Froggy really gives off deep in it cult member vibes. I want to say more about Quinna but knowing where she goes later in the story might be a spoiler.
Yasha is inevitable, Quinna. You should have done something when you noticed her gnawing SMH
That’s interesting that you bring that up! There’s a lot more going on with pretty much all the Circus members, even the one’s that appear more cartoony (literally and in behavior lol). The cult point is definitely poignant if true, can’t wait to show y’all more one day And Quinna’s story is quite complex, maybe one of the most in the story. Will take a while to reveal all ๐
Lmao, yeah. Things are about to get pretty real, Yasha is not a negotiator like Nia. And I can say this is their final confrontation. Yeah, Quinna is sharp, and for some reason chose not to intervene while Yasha was escaping her ropes.
odasaku's tea
so intense! that punch looks like it’ll hurt
Definitely! Btw a point that will come up in the story in the next page or so, Yasha and Quinna fighting each other is the same if they were fighting each other as people without powers.
Normally, Absorbers take in and put out energy that they store. Depending on how much energy they absorb that can be a lot of power. But an exception is when two people with Absorbers power clash, no matter how much each Absorber has stored in their “power tank”, any physical attacks they do to each other hurt as if they didn’t have any powers. So the damage Quinna and Yasha have done to each other thus far has been based on their base human strenght, unamplified by their powers (more to it but that’s a big thing that’ll come up!)
And that’s why even though Yasha has so little in her “power tank” that she has to gnaw out of the ropes to get out, her punches will still hurt Quinna just as much as before! All she loses is mobility and speed she gets from having a lot of power stored.
Evelyn Kwak
Froggy is so gullible ๐ญ
Haha, when it comes to certain things she’ll definitely freak out pretty easily. I really can’t wait to go more in depth with all the Circus pirates. I think their trajectory and what we learn about them will be suprising to some ๐
Lol. She played the amphibian like a fiddle.
Lmao, pretty mean but she asked for it
Jersey Addict
Jealousy and envy can dull your senses!
100%! Froggy really envies Quinna, Circus calls Quinna her favorite nearly every time she talks to Quinna. Like daggers in Froggy’s heart!
Brylee Bonnie
Froggy and Quinna have an interesting dynamic ๐. I love the way you draw hands!!!!
They really do lolol. They’ve been going at each other’s throats since the beginning. Thank you!! ๐
Brylee Bonnie
I can tell, you write characters in a way that make them feel so real. GOOD JOB!
It’s getting real
Most definitely!
I can’t help but notice how much Yasha and Quinna look and act alike. I smell a revelation :O. How old is everyone on this page by the way? Quinna looks like she’s at least 10 years older than Yasha
They definitely do look alike! We will see more about both them eventually for sure ๐
Yup! So Quinna is 28, Froggy is 29, Yasha and Nia are 19, and off panel Sin is 16 and Gori (the gorilla) is 15 ๐
I’ve come here to chew bubble and…
Colt S.
What. Is. The. Frogs. Deal.
Alex Le
What we were talking about the other day made me curious. Which of your characters in this story do you relate to the most you’d say?
Oo that’s a really interesting question! Tbh, I’d have to think about it. I’ll say that all my characters are a mix between bits of me, people I know, and fictional characters. But there’s very few characters I think where I’ve deliberately or subconsciously made them almost entirely like me I think. I always thought if I did decide to do a self insert, they would be a background character that dies lmao.
Idk might circle back to you, the last thing a character in this story’s done that really reminded me of me was Smokey forgetting what happened 50 seconds ago lmao. Oh but another thing, that’s just in terms of personality, I don’t think there’s a character that looks like me in this story either.
Alex Le
Alcibiades is your self insert isn’t he?
Alex Le
That blender headturn animation is really cool by the way. You planning on doing one for Yasha?
Thanks! I’m getting really close to the style I want. I’m hyperfocusing on animation and the video game rn. A quick Cloud from FF7 animation is coming too. Perhaps my Youtube era is on the horizon lmao.
And yeah one day for sure! I’ve been collabing with Derock and a couple other talented animators for random scenes for Yasha. But I might make one myself in the future too. Blender is so cool, I want to get as good as the person who made this Ranma blender animation. Freakin’ insane that this is all 3D haha.
Brylee Bonnie
RIGHT?!! It’s amazing. Seeing their process too, they didn’t do anything too crazy they just have fantastic traditional animation skills they transferred over to their blender models and worked each moment of the animation in the 3D space to be as retro anime looking as possible haha.
Never give up.
As long as she can defeat this one, maybe they can make a strategy for fighting her friends when they come next…
Alex Le
Yeah I remember when you first posted that shit. My brain still can’t believe it’s not 2D, no fucking way that’s all blender.
It’s col, looking forward to your Final Paradise animation anyway. I like Idiko’s design.
I’m so hyped to show y’all this Idiko animation, more of a quick test I’ve been eroding at until now, I’m going full throttle on it. I think I’ll make a few animations in Final Paradise world for now. Next is probably Bogdan or Tarantula. I just redesigned Tarantula a bit, although admittedly she’s like 97% the same. I get kind of nostalgically attached to how characters look even when they’re from a period where I think my design philosophies were wildly different (still good but kind of samey in certain ways). I think people will be surprised when we get to certain arcs in Final Paradise.
At some point I get heavily inspired by Disco Elysium and most of the newer characters reflect that haha, while my main characters still look the same as they did when I made them a long time ago.
Alex Le
That’s really interesting, great to be inspired by an amazing game. I’d say Bogdan sort of looks like a Disco Elysium character already and he’s one of your OG’s.
Yeah Bogdan already looks a sort of stocky/chubby beard man. Could be Harry’s bud lmao. But like 90% of my early Final Paradise designs are all cute and anime esque. I still make characters like that but there’s def more variety later. But it’ll be a lot of fun to see the evolution in real time in the story as this happens
For Live Yasha characters get more and more like Shantae: Half Genie and Zelda: Windwaker characters, with a mix of Scott Pilgrim. You can already see this in the Nusa art LMAO
And Final Paradise gets more gritty but a bit of a mix of Disco Elysium and Bleach in artstyle. Just so it’s not entirely jarring it’s still anime esque but there’s a lot more variety and grit inspired by things like Disco Elysium/Bleach/Castlevania ect.
Alex Le
I can see that Zelda Windwaker influence from the sun. And hey, that’s all cool. You do you. Just don’t change Tarantula being a tattoo’d goth Starfire from Teen Titans.
DUDE ๐ญ. WTF you’re right. Tarantula IS a goth Starfire . She’s even an alien who’s cheerful and sweet and doesn’t know a lot of local customs lmao
The way this “phone call” was a actually a little flashback before Froggy hit her head on the ships wall was genius! I don’t see too many stories take their time to spin up so much foreshadowing and deliberate pacing like this * Chefs Kiss *. Froggy and Quinna’s relationship is fun in a sort of trainwreck way. The power dynamics might be hinting towards a status quo shake up. Speaking of shakeups, it looks like Yasha is done talking. Round 2 begin!
Thank you so much Henson ๐. That means a lot. I have always loved taking time to make sure the story unfolds the way I want, which is why I’ve reworked a lot of my stories so much. Guess I’m lucky that I don’t have to rely on webcomics for money so I can kind of be my lazy self and take time to think things through. The way so many artists pump out genius stuff and are on a contract or schedule is inspiring, me personally I need time to percolate so that everything makes sense XD. I want to do that little flashback trick more in the future, I have some neat narrative ideas for it.
100%! Yasha is done messing around. Things will get pretty dramatic here in the next few pages, can’t wait to show y’all!
Alex Le
Your WIP there is both exciting and worrying. I won’t pry you much cause SpOiLeRs, but assuming Nia saying (Quinna?) see’s herself in Yasha is intriguing. They do seem eerily similar, it would be unexpected if the twist was that they weren’t related in some way to be honest. But perhaps she’s also referring to the fact that Yasha is being targetted by Circus for recruitment specifically.
Haha, nah don’t worry I love talking about this stuff! Pretty easy to avoid big spoilers anyway! And you do have a good point, it’s an interesting statement from Nia there. Yeah she’s totally talking to Quinna there. I think in retrospect this scene will reveal a lot about Quinna and Yasha’s psyche, once we learn more about them both. Yeah that’s very fair! Yasha and Quinna are very similar in looks, temperment, and the fact that they were/are the target of a crazy abusive pirate for coerced recruitment…
But also in many way’s there different, actually thinking about it I’d say Quinna is kind of similar to Mina in ways. If Mina was a bit more morally ambiguous lol. Yasha’s very nostalgic and weirdly attached to the island, more so than Sin, Lalo, Nia who are all trying to get out and explore the world. Mina and Quinna have always tried to run away from where they grew up and forge their identity by going on adventures. Mina because she had a VERY messed up guardian/job as a kid. And Quinna because Runiper was a terrible city in her eyes, in general. Though Quinna tragically was pinned down by Circus during her wordly escapades.
Alex Le
Cool beans. I don’t even know much of Mina’s backstory yet either but now I’m intrigued in both. To be fair to our ol’ gal Yasha, that Island is a tropical paradise. Who wouldn’t want to vibe there forever.
Lmao, yes very true. It slaps honestly, nice little tropical community. She was very isolated for a lot of her childhood so she does value what she managed to get going on the island right now, a lot. Though if Nia left she might just feel compelled to dip!
And also the strange part is more so she doesn’t even want to temporarily travel away from home for some reason! Hehe, I don’t think anyone will see coming why that is, though I’d hint to pay attention to the weird dreams Yasha has when she sleeps, as well as her flashbacks ;D
Brylee Bonnie
You know I read your comment and don’t laugh at me but fr I thought Quinna was way older than that for some reason LMAO???
Haha! Nah it’s okay I’ve had a few people theorize she was Yasha’s mother before, that’s one thing I can say isn’t the case at least :P.
Yeah 28 is pretty young in today’s terms! Though for a pirate lifespan maybe not haha. I remember reading the average lifespan was like 30 or something and a lot were in their early 20s. Kind of like gangsters
Alex Le
You see the new overwatch spotlight thing?
Yup! Looks like a bunch of cool new features coming, pretty excited.
Oh…OH. It’s about to go down. I hope everyone gets out of this alive somehow
Right? Hopefully this doesn’t go to hell, but it’s not looking good ๐ญ.
Next page will be fun. Everyone gets some interesting moments, Sin and Gori too despite currently being held captive by a giant shadow monster haha. They get pretty philsophical.
Alex Le
Sin and philosophical being together in a sentence is an abomination.
LMAO. It’s a fun moment I think, bit of a hint of his future character development. Maybe “philosophical” is extreme tho, he’s not spouting Kantian rhetoric, he just gets a bit introspective with Gori lol.
Alex Le
Btw you keeping up with Invincible?
Yup! It’s great. Only complaint I hear constantly is the animation dip but I dunno, writing and fights are still really entertaining imo. Been watching that Apothecary Diaries and Dr.Stone. Good stuff.
Oh also House and Sopranos lol
Alex Le
Something I’ve been curious about. What percentage per page would you say your characters are blender models versus drawing from scratch?
Oh that depends! For every panel I’m always having to draw a bunch regardless, but a good 70% of the time I use also use the character’s blender models as reference to speed thing up. The panels where you can tell I have much more detail and messy lines is me practicing anatomy haha, I usually reference real poses.
Since those take a lot longer I don’t do it as much, but if I had all the time in the world I’d stick to one or the other for more cohesion. But I like the frankenstein method I got going, and I think I’ll make it even faster/better as time goes on ๐
Alex Le
*WIP Spoilers* That’s pretty hype but…you’re fucking telling me Yasha’s fighting Quinna and Circus back to back this time ๐ญ
Haha! I’m soo excited for the rest of the story after this point. Eh there’s already a bunch of spoilers in these comments but for the heck of it I’ll put the answer to this question in a spoiler tag below, since I included some big immediate spoilers.
After this whole Quinna stuff dies down and they rope her up, we have a bit of a cooldown and stuff, similar to the first iteration of the story where Yasha’s b-day party continues and they prepare for Circus. But with more stuff added specifically for Yasha relationships with everyone, specifically Nia, Quinna, Lalo and the Chief. This section’s going to be a bit longer than before since some important stuff’s gonna get fleshed out during the downtime.
Then Circus comes (she gave them an extra day before she comes , for some reason. Once she picks up that Quinna betrayed her) and that fight also is very similar to the first iteration, although it will be shorter so we can get to Nusa sooner :).
So very close to Nusa! Can’t wait ๐
Alex Le
Cool beans. And correct. We need to get back to Nusa so I can see Damien and Jet again.
Lol, you have a soft spot for the thieving side characters don’t you XD. I love those two too, we didn’t reach that far but they’ll also be pretty buddy buddy with Sin, like big brothers of sorts
OH also btw Alex, did you see the latest daima episode?
PEAK. I was a GT Truther so this hits lmao. Goku’s VA is freakin’ 90 too, that’s crazy.
Sea Town ain’t big enough for the two of us ๐ค You have a gift for actiony shots sovember
Definitely not lol.
Yo Thank you!! It’s a lot of fun to do action. Going to finish up this chapter with plenty of action/twists before chapter break. Doing my best to have these last 3 or 4 pages be long and come pretty fastpaced. Hoping to have all this action said and before end of March :).
Alex Le
Did you see the new Shrek trailer?
Bro, yeah. I’m mixed on the new designs like a lot of others. Though sitting with it I get it, supposed to be in line more with Puss In Boots: Last Wish’s style change so it isn’t jarring. But iunno. Still looks off.
Funny thing, I barely even remember recording it by the morning, but I did a live reaction short screen record iphone clip of me reacting to a post of it on twitter. I was completely shitting on the new Shrek design for a good 30 seconds LMAO.
Alex Le
I gotta hear that recording lol.
Sent it. It’s truly a 4am masterpiece
Alex Le
I’m fucking done. Masterpiece indeed.
Right. I’m not even really at all invested in Shrek 5 designโข discourse at all honestly lmao. Probably won’t even see the movie right away.
But I’ve been spamming a bunch of random vids like that to my gf and brothers lately. That was probably more late night Soju talking