Published On: June 9, 2024

32 thoughts on “Episode 4-15

  1. That accidental kiss 🥺. OMG that last panel was terrifying, please tell me Nia’s alive!

    1. Hehe so cute. She didn’t actually kiss Yasha she was more up against the right side of her face :P.


  2. Well I wasn’t expecting that

    1. Hehe, more unexpected things to come. The Quinna quarrel is coming to it’s end 😀

  3. Larissa Nunez-Hill

    Their relationship is so wholesome <3. Um what was that cliffhanger 💀💀

    1. They do care about each other a lot :).

      Also 😭 we’ll see soon!

  4. Nia really doesn’t like getting picked up. I like that panel the body language looks so natural.

    I knew you told me this story would get dark eventually but I didn’t expect Nia to be gobbled up by a sea dinosaur THIS early.

    But really I’m guessing this is Sin’s doing? Now I have no idea what’s going to happen.

    1. Yeah Nia does not like that feels humilating but she’d be much more angry if it was anyone but Yasha haha.

      Thanks!! Most panels I reference a head ref or their respective blender models for help but recently I’ve been drawing from real people references and just off the cuff sketches. Takes longer but those are my fav to draw haha.

      That’s a great guess, we’ll see what’s to come here in a couple days 😀

  5. Oh my god. I hope Nia’s alive in there and Yasha’s about to punch that thing into the sky again!

    1. Hopefully! Yeah Bakunawa are crazy, but they’re really nothing for Yasha! I’m just now getting back into the groove of drawing these guys XD.

  6. I live for these low key character moments that just show them talking to eachother. And LGBTQ aura 😍

    1. I’m so glad, it’s what I love doing too. Haha I think you’ll like what’s coming in this story especially /w Yasha! Even if I’d say it’s mostly adventure/comedy there’s also lgbtq+ romance :D.


    1. It happened so fast too D:

  8. Quinna just sat there and let the lesbians talk wtf ok


    1. Hopefully it’s not too late! And I’m glad you like them 😀

  10. Unrelated but what does ‘Live Yasha’ mean exasctly for this webtoon? Like, ‘Live’ and in ‘It Lives’, or is it ‘Live’ as in ‘Saturday Night Live’ ??

    1. For sure! Honestly, in my mind it’s been “Live” as in “Living it up”! It also ties into some themes later but I actually don’t mind if people say it the other way too haha. I don’t take too much stock or thought in the titles of my stories, usually as long as they sound memorable XD.

      In fact a couple of my stories including this one, have slightly different names depending on where I mirror them! But yeah to answer your question for this story it’s canonically pronounced like the former 😀

  11. OKAY I think Nia’s alive, otherwise that would be a really underwhelming end 😭. It’s good that Yasha has such a kindhearted childhood friend to balance out her personality. And yes, she needs to get out of there.

    1. Haha, it would be pretty sudden! Hopefully she’s alive and gets back to the village!

      Yeah, Yasha is Nia’s most long lasting best friend and Nia is Yasha’s first real friend at all on the island. It’s funny you say that it’s def true, Nia’s much more optimistic than Yasha haha. Though they both have more sides for sure. One small funny thing off the top is that both Nia and Yasha can get a bit jealous and petty, Yasha just wears everything more on her sleeve.

      Nia actually gossiped about Yasha when she was a kid and Yasha was in that ocean watching phase. She was frustrated that Yasha didn’t want to hang out with her. And Yasha low key bullied the first island guy Nia dated 😂😂 . Though now they have such a strong bond and shared history. Nia and Lalo are probably the people Yasha is closest with right now!

      1. Part of me wants to see little Nia savagely roasting Yasha to her four year old friends about how she ain’t nothing and just sits and watches the ocean all day like a freak.

        1. Your wish just may be granted lmao. Young Nia would play football/soccer with her friends right behind Yasha to try to make Yasha feel like she’s missing out on the best thing ever. And young Yasha never really cared until Nia basically dragged her to play with her in that one flashback 😂😂. Nia was a little bit of a mean girl but still mostly nice and helpful/empathetic around the island.

          Before this island arc is over we’ll have a few more flashbacks for sure not just when they were little kids either. Cute and petty moments galore!

        2. And for the record, I want to clarify that I too like sitting and watching the ocean all day like a freak. Honestly, I get it Yasha.

        3. So do I! Was Yasha’s fixation until she started hanging out with Nia and that football group. Then it was napping, football/soccer, and doing random stuff with Nia for a while.

  12. ❄️ lce Bear ❄️

    Damn it’s all going to sh*t

    1. That’s a good way to put it! This next part is largely like the previously written iteration of this story. Except this time Nia is here and I shoot dialogue and ideas off with a couple more peeps. I hope y’all like the next page up soon!

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