Published On: February 14, 2024

19 thoughts on “Episode 4-10

  1. “Mentally? No? Physically? No?” Ok. I’m stealing that 🙂

  2. It’s getting so real im scared for them 🥺.

    1. Miraculously no one’s been killed yet! Though the Chief may be right, most of them are not immediately prepared to fight this threat!

  3. Well that went well 🙃

  4. Hey, uh, don’t forget about the other islanders Yasha lol. She’s really carrying in this situation isn’t she? Unless Sin finally decides to get serious.

    I wonder if that was intentional on Yasha’ part, going to this spot that she was obsessed with just gawking at the sea.

    1. Haha, true. she panicked and took Nia as far away as possible. Sin just sitting there like “THANKS RIVAL!” . Oh true, once Sin goes off it’s over lol.

      As we’ll see soon she actually didn’t consciously choose to come here, was a sorta psychological thing! On the surface she doesn’t like how she used to stare at the ocean all the time, but she can’t let go of this spot for some reason!

  5. Lesbian. That’s the tweet

    1. It’s a good tweet I approve!

  6. I love Nia’s design

    1. I do too haha. I like her little hair puffs.

      Fun fact while I technically have an islander culture/background myself to reference, most of the designs for them were admittedly mostly inspired by Flinstones and Windwaker, maybe a bit of chrono trigger haha.

  7. I’m so relieved Yasha saved her crush. On one hand it looks like this pirate is pushed into a corner by her captain, on the other hand her giant squigly hair monster is about to kill everyone Yasha holds dear. At least their evacuating now but Yasha needs to settle things before it gets out of hand

    1. Definitely! Yasha does care a lot about everyone on this island! They’re really all she knows after being abondoned :).

      That’s a good point about Quinna, she may be conflicted but she’s lucky she hasn’t seriously injured or killed anyone yet.

  8. That panel with them laying on the beach 😏

  9. Yasha saving the hot girl first I get it

  10. 👀👀👀 0 to 100

  11. Oof, someone’s gonna die for sure ;-;

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