Published On: June 2, 2024

18 thoughts on “Episode 4-14

  1. Might be my favorite episode yet. The colors are so striking. Yasha Noooo! I’m praying to Lord Cthulhuu that her blindness heals really soon because she’ll need it if she wants to get out of this not half dead.

    1. Thank you myname! I’m so glad to hear that! That makes me being dumb and hyperfocusing like 60 panels in one sitting worth it 😂 (I feel like a zombie LOL)

      Yeah, she really relies on her eyes for fisticuffs! Hopefully she can adapt and/or have those effects wear off

  2. Larissa Nunez-Hill

    Awww I adore how much Nia and Yasha care for each other

    1. Me too haha, their relationship is pretty interesting we’ve only seen a bit of it, so far!

      I’m really excited to show y’all the next page, they have a nice little convo

  3. Wow Quina so considerate, you’re only going to beat Yasha within an inch of her life because she doesn’t want to join your pirate crew 🙄

    1. Haha, yeahhhh it’s not a great deal, and she’s really one of the nicer Circus crew members too!

  4. That was a dirty trick. Traditional flashbangs usually overstimulate photoreceptors and the blindness usually doesn’t last that long. But that is not a normal flashback I’ve seen before Lol

    1. Quinna’s very sly, totally agree! Oo thanks for the info, that kind of stuff fascinates me!!

      Yeah I have very superficial knowledge about flashbangs haha, but this device is similar to one but last a bit longer than that 🙂

  5. Here here! After 300 years of the author playing video games, another Live Yasha page is finally upon us!

    Quinna is an interesting character. She’s smarter than your average henchwoman at least. If she’s that afraid of Circus punishment for failure I can only imagine what she’s seen. But obviously Yasha’s not having any of that, I’m curious what Yasha can do with that sight impediment from that strange device Quinna threw. You know Nia suicidally throwing herself into the battlefield actually might have saved Yasha’s tail there, it looks like Quinna’s anger was defused by the gesture.

    Re: “Sister”. OKAY, now I know they HAVE to be secret sisters or related, you can’t fool me any longer “Sovember” 😛

    1. 😂 Back from Final Fantasy 7 and Mario Thousand Year door land!

      Always a dope analysis Alex. Yea Quinna is interesting at the very least. She’s gone far beyond the point of forgiveness for Yasha but at least she hasn’t quite killed anybody on the island yet (though tbf she broke Sin’s arm and beat up the Chief lmao)

      Still she’s relatively civil for a Circus pirate. And yeah! Nia really did save Yasha there, that could have ended badly but thankfully her hug just threw Quinna’s momentum off instead!

      LOL all I can say is all will be revealed eventually 😂

  6. I’m so nervous for her omg 😨. Ohhh is that how old Yasha is?

    1. Haha, yeah Quinna actually gave a pretty good guess range there Yasha is very early 20s at oldest!

      Most people aren’t completely sure what Yasha’s age is since she just spawned on the island on day but based on their best guesses they consider this her 19th birthday today. (And what a great birthday she’s had so far 😭) Nia is the same 19 btw! Sin is 16. Lalo is 6. And Quinna is 28 😀

  7. Marky Ikawparinanghanap Ngpusongligaw

    well yay at least quinna isn’t going to hurt nia!

    1. Definitely! Quinna can be very violent if things escalate, but tends to be one of the few crewmates who is very competent at accomplishing Circus’ tasks without being too messy!

      Btw we’ll see in a quick scene coming up how her tactics she compares to Circus and why Circus sent Quinna specifically in this case

  8. Wow I love the action here Sov!

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